Monitor customers’ info

For sales business in various platforms, no matter which ever platforms the customer orders are form, eCommerce can manage the info accurately and export file for further application.

With experience in web development, eCommerce has launched more than 600 websites. Our team deeply understands a process of orderly back-office 

of eCommerce stores. So, we design xCommerce with features matching with Thailand’s eCommerces as much as possible especially transaction and delivery.

xCommerce can be confirmed to cooperate with your business smoothly. Every feature is guaranteed by actual sellers to be able to run well along with them. 

Can manage your store in few steps.

Know all customers’ platform of purchase

In spite of various e-commerce platforms, xCommerce can tell whichever platforms of customer’s purchase order is from and record history of purchase in the system helping you analyze the most purchased platform by customers.

Import/Export customer’s data

Customer’s data from purchase orders can be exported in excel file for further application such as AdWords, Facebook Ads, etc. If sellers has customer’s data from a previous system, the data can be imported into xCommerce as well. 

Purchase History for new customers and regulars

Manage customer’s data easily with xCommerce and record the history of purchase from all customers. No matter how many products customers buy, the most bought items will be listed in the system making sellers understand the trend of customers easily. 

Purchase Order Platform Organizing

xCommerce can collect customers’ purchase orders together with a system to classify customer purchase order platform and purchase history record from individual customers. The data can be exported for further plan easily such as AdWords, Facebook Ads accessible to a right group of customers.